Asset 19
How to maintain privacy and preserve your reputation in a digital age
Recently, you may have heard of public figures and celebrities being caught live on camera in compromising positions, assuming they were in a private setting. Some things that are meant to be private can quickly be a source of embarrassment if simple security measures are not taken. 

Let's face it; we live in an interconnected digital world. Our electronic devices are networked with billions of other devices all over the world and even in space. While the conveniences rendered by the digital age have tremendous benefits, we are all entitled to privacy in so much as we desire. 

You can protect your privacy by enabling some simple security measures. We recommend cameras on all your devices be turned off and/or the lens covered. It is possible to hack into cameras and turn them on without your knowledge. Furthermore, with all the other things we have to track these days, it would be easy to forget to turn off your camera after or during a Zoom call, for example. Just like taking precautions while driving (looking over your shoulder before changing lanes), it is important to take precautions while computing. 

Here are some tips:

  1. Always ensure video conference applications are not running.
  2. Cover your camera with a small piece of painters tape. It does not ruin the lens and comes off easily
  3. Disable your microphone when it is not being used or unplug it altogether
  4. Turn your electronic devices off completely when you are not using them

These simple steps can preserve your privacy and may even protect your reputation.